Atallah Nadia

Atallah Nadia

A Multilingual Writer and Champion of Free Thinking
Nadia Attalah is a writer born in Algeria in 1987. She completed her high school education in mathematics in 2004 and went on to earn a university diploma in computer science in 2009. Nadia has worked as a teacher of mathematics and computer science in various private schools. She is a multilingual writer, fluent in Arabic, French, and English, and has published several short stories and articles in various Algerian newspapers. However, many of her works were censored.
Nadia's first book, "Chronicles of the New World," is a collection of short stories and is published on the internet. Her writing style is said to be powerful and thought-provoking, and she tackles important themes such as social justice, identity, and cultural norms. Through her writing, Nadia aims to challenge societal norms and promote free thinking.

En quelques mots

À quel âge avez-vous commencé à écrire ? 12
Quel est votre auteur favori ? V H
Quel est votre style littéraire préféré ? Fiction

Les livres de l'auteur

Cet auteur ne propose pas de livre à la vente sur notre site pour le moment.